Gay men, as a group, display tremendous diversity in their expressions and displays of masculinity and femininity. What is problematic is the assumption that all gay men display the same type of gender behavior. Men behaving in an effeminate manner is not inherently problematic or deserving of public shaming. While there are of course some gay men who express themselves (via speech, dress and behavior) in ways which are traditionally 'feminine,' there are many others who do not. The idea that male homosexuality is directly linked with femininity is erroneous. Here are 10 of the most problematic myths and stereotypes which play a role in the mischaracterization and dehumanization of gay men in the U.S. continues to evolve, and as gay men become increasingly more open about our true identities, we must take advantage of all opportunities to educate others about what is correct, and what isn't, in relation to male homosexuality. Myths and stereotypes that go unchallenged become stronger weapons for those who seek to oppress others in society. As a gay man I have a particular interest in challenging myths and stereotypes relating to gay men in America (and around the world).